iMA Strategies ...Bringing People Closer

How to Use iMA to Build a Peak Performance Team

How to Use iMA to Build a Peak Performance Team
iMA Strategies ...Bringing People Closer
How to Use iMA to Build a Peak Performance Team

It doesn't take a genius to see that we are living in exciting, challenging, turbulent times.
Yet with all of the emphasis on the virtual world, it is important not to lose sight of the most important skill of all.
Our ability to connect with others.
Especially people you work with.

The iMA Team Building Workshops presented by iMA creator James Knight are custom-tailored to your requirements.

You and your co-workers will be shown how to use iMA's simple, easily applied business and life operating system to:

 Put the right people in the right jobs, acquire, retain, utilize the best talent, and build peak-performance teams

  • - Build self-confidence, trust, communication, cooperation, and understanding.
  • - Help others find their Sweet Spot and do a lot with what they do well.
  • - Help others Connect with others at every level of their life both at home and at work.
  • - Reduce conflict, stress, and tension.
  • - Accurately predict how others are likely to behave, their wants, needs, and expectations
  • - Treat others in the way that gets the best results.

This is an in-depth workshop where participants are carefully led through the logic of the concept and then actively included in the experience of learning. 

The focus is on learning, yet the format is lively and enjoyable.

In this session each participant will learn how to identify the systematic framework where every person feels most comfortable, thinking, making decisions, using time, managing emotions, handling stress and what others want, need and expect.

They will learn not only how to identify, but also how to understand and appreciate multiple perspectives.

To look at things from others points of view, predict how they are likely to behave and given a guide as to how to treat them in a way that others need, want and expect to be treated. 

iMA Team Builder Workshops: 

Productivity and profitability will go up and staff turnover, absenteeism, stress, and tension will go down.

Workshops are available in person or via Zoom

Let's meet online and talk about how an iMA Motivational workshop can help you and your associates Engage more, Sell more, Succeed more, Enjoy more Work and Worry less !  

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To Connect with me on WhatsApp: 44-7789381536.

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